Thursday, April 30, 2009

Today was the second day back at school. It's the second term of this year, but the third term of Year 12. I didn't even realise that we were half way there until someone told me a couple of days ago! It's amazing, time really does fly. 
This term I want to accomplish a few things:
1. No ipod when you turn your bedside light off. This might sound a bit weird, but I always listen to my ipod when my lights out and I'm meant to be sleeping, and it keeps me up so late. So I want to stop this in order to get as much sleep as possible.
2. Biblestudies every week. Lately I've been giving it up, and I shouldn't be doing that, these people love me and in return I should be loving them to show my support to them during this tough year for everyone. 
3. No spending. I'm currently trying to save for a trip to the south island of New Zealand and an 11 day mission to Vanuatu. I'm not sure I'm going to have enough money, so I want to completely stop spending. I'm sure I can do this, it's mostly in the holidays that I spend my money and I don't think I'll be doing that next holidays because it's just before the trials. I think I'll be indoors studying most of the time. 
4. Be on time for all extension morning classes. I'm so lazy and I always seem to be at least 15 minutes late each time and it's rather embarrassing seeing as I live so close to the school. Must make sure I GET UP at exactly 7:00.
5. Stick to the History Extension Project timetable I've given myself. This will make your life a whole lot easier. 
6. Don't leave everything until the last minute! Granted some things are going to need every bit of time until it's due but not everything has to be like this. Make sure you have a couple of days for the big assessments just to read over it with a fresh pair of eyes and make changes. 
7. Participate more in class, with more questions. Don't be afraid - it's your HSC. Do you want to get to London with better job opportunities, pay and earlier (early 2013) or for it to be harder to find a job, less pay and later (early 2014 or 2015)? 
8. Be an Open Day guide for something they can put on your reference thing. It will look a lot better than nothing. Shows your proud of school and your education. 

Writing all that has made me realise I should do a bit more homework/study tonight, so I'm off now. Will write about the HSC Timetable later. xo

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