Wednesday, April 1, 2009

These Holidays

There are just too many things I want to accomplish these holidays. I've tried to promise myself that I would everyone of them done, but I think there might be too many to do. I hope by writing them down it will motivate me and I will at least get the top priority ones done. I also plan to spend a lot of my time in Gordon, Chatswood or St Ives library to be forced into working on school work for the day. I plan to:

AIM: To focus on your weak areas, complete lots of practice papers and practice writing analytically.

5. Finish researching Rasputin
6. Write a second draft on HEXT Project
22. Be up to date on logbook
1. Finish Modern essay on Nazi's
2. Found and written notes on the sources for Ancient Oral (one royal and one non-royal)
14. Practice essay on the Hyksos (the one from the Half-Yearly Exams)
13. Re-do essay from the Half-Yearly's on Role of Pharaoh
12. Do all of Pompeii and Herculaneum past papers
15. Write Egyptian notes under syllabus headings
16. Re-do essay from from the Half-Yearly's on the impact of the Treaty of Versailles (using markers notes)
17. Re-do World War One section, using the markers notes.
11. Write another essay for Belonging
10. Come up with a new creative writing story for Belonging
0. (THIS might be done during the term) Write an essay comparing Pride and Prejudice to Letters to Alice
3. Read Mysteries of Udolpho
4. Write some practice essays for EEXT (using the journal suggestions - especially the Byronic Hero one as it is relevant for your related texts - and the practice writing suggestions you got given).
18. Write EEXT speech into an essay form
19. Draw up a table for the belonging essay planning
7. Revise Balance of Payments
20. Re-do essay on the inequalities and types of development from the Half Yearly's
21. Do the essay on globalisation from the Half-Yearly's
9. Write out the essays and practice short answer questions from the "Model Answer Series" Books
8. Do some of the "revision" questions in the Economics text books to revise the two chapters you've done
23. Watch Hamlet DVD

Fun things to accomplish during the holidays/ last week of term:
- Oliver, the Musical and dinner before hand.
- Shopping (City, Chatswood, Hornsby, Parramatta)
- Trinny and Susannah
- Waratahs/ Chiefs
- Bulldogs/ Eels
- Catch up with Maddy (she can drive), have a night at my house watching DVD's (Shooter, Some of Russell Brand - the special one, maybe?)
- Catch up with Katherine for movies or Max Brenner

So far I haven't seen a lot of movie I really want to see except:
- 17 again (Chandler from Friends AND Zac Efron in the same movie!)
- Knowing (the trailer gives me the creeps every time I see it. I really hope it isn't an alien movie though)
- The Reader and Changeling (if they're still out)

- Pineapple Express
- The Women
- Watch Northanger Abbey for school
- Taken
- Forgetting Sarah Marshall
- St Trinian's

- For school: Mysteries of Udolpho
- My Booky Wook
- A book about Akhenaten or some other Pharaoh
- When in Rome
- Sense and Sensibility

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