Sunday, April 19, 2009

19th April 2009

Haha, today was such a good, busy day!
This morning I was woken up by Jess knocking at the door, picking me up to go to the library. So I quickly got dressed and jumped in the car. Lucky I had sort of prepared the night before, so I had most things packed.
We met Ellie at Gordon library and we went and got coffee for her before going to study modern and preparing for the essay question. It's such a weird question! So we discussed that, among other things like the Easter Show and how Ellie was mad at Liz for bailing on her so often. I didn't get a lot done because I was to busy listening to my ipod and talking. I did write out notes from this book, but it was just basic stuff that would have been in any book. Went to Gloria Jeans for morning tea and had hot chocolate and a chocolate muffin, which was delicious. While we were eating there I discovered my new life goal: To have Russell Brand reply to my comments to him on twitter. I really hope to accomplish this soon. I have completed all my other life goals which were: be a blue person at State of Origin and meet Jarryd. Then we went back to the library to do some more work. Ellie left at 1 o'clock and Claudia came to meet us there ten minutes later, and we walked to the station together (with Jess' jacked on, and the hood on too). Caught the train to Lidcome, while doing some Mighty Boosh drawings for Jess and listening to ipods. Also took plenty of photos as no one else was in our carriage. I took the weirdest looking photo, which we all could not stop laughing at. It was not a particularly attractive photo of me.
We arrived at Olympic Park and quickly had to buy our tickets (which were $10 because it was family day) because we were late. Some guy chatted one of us (we weren't sure who he was talking to) up while buying the tickets. We had good seats, near the goal posts. The Bulldogs scored while we were still walking in, and then again when we just sitting down. Then Jarryd scored and I went absolutely psycho. So I was happy for the rest of the game, even though we lost 18 - 48 (BADLY).

There was this guy who sitting near us, and he was supporting Parra, but he was going nuts - like screaming and pulling at his hair and stuff - when something went wrong. Everyone was turning around and laughing at him, but it was a bit scary. I thought he could actually kill himself if we lost (which we did - but he wasn't there for the last 5 minutes).
Then we caught the train home, and we listened to "Ego" by Beyonce the whole way back. Jess and I were trying to convince Claudia that the song wasn't just about some guys 'ego' but something else, and she wouldn't believe it.
It's too big, it's too wide, it's too strong, it won't fit

Anyway, then we got off at Gordon, and went to Maccas to get some dinner for Claudia, and I was going to eat as well because Katherine's dinner was after this and I didn't want to pay for a massive dinner but then I didn't end up eating because I was Michael with this other girl (that I knew, but can't remember her name) there, and suddenly didn't feel like eating.
Then Jess and Claudia left and I went across the road to "Ribs and Rumps" and met Tess and Georgia there. Tess was trying to organise this whole thing about this person who was staying with her because he was drunk and didn't know where to go. Anyway, she ended up not staying for the dinner because she was worried about him.
I sat next to Alyce and Isy, with Katherine opposite me and Lucy and Emma, Hannah Cheeseman and Hannah BA near me on my left and Georgia, Fletcher and Adriana near me on my right. The night was so funny! We had this really cute waiter, and Isy and Hannah Cheeseman kept flirting with him. He was really sweet. Then there were all these other funny incidents involving him, like when Isy was talking about boobs and he walked past, and how she asked him around three times for a new tomato sauce and he was like "wow, you guys must really like sauce". And then the whole "General Maths/Pants/ No Pants/ No Maths" thing with Katherine. And Adriana's "dream" about how Zac Efron is obsessed with her.
Then we all left and stood around in the car park for a while, and we were talking and then everyone left but Emma, me, Isy, Fletch and Adriana and the waiter came over and talked to us. Fletch and Adri were busy phoning people, so Emma and I just sort of ignored him so Isy could talk to him, because she really liked him. But she blew her chances, sort of being really distant, and she was so angry with herself when he left. He told us that it was the last night Ribs and Rumps was open because the rent was too high.
Then we were discussing how Isy should leave a message for him on his car, when walked past and Isy flew into a panic, but he didn't see the note. Then we noticed that the skinny waiter, who he had been hanging around with, hadn't left, so Isy made me run over and put the note on his windscreen wipers. And we quickly drove off.
If he replies, I swear to god it will be the funniest thing that has ever happened - ever.

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