Thursday, November 11, 2010

Lady of Leisure 2011

So the plan for 2011 is to be a lady of leisure.
When I come back from Europe I want to:

- An Iphone
- Etsy stuff
- Books from amazon
- Perfume
- Nice/fashionable work clothes
- Dresses
- Toys for Eridani and Niru's baby
- Homewares stuff (candles, bathroom accessories, maybe orla keiley towels, tea cups)
- anastasia dolls

- Hugo's
- Ivy Pool
- Zita
- Fringe
- Chinese Laundry
- Cargo
- Fringe

I want to have a stream of:
- movie dates
- sushi trains
- balcony dinners
- baby sitting duties from eridani and niru
- baby showers
- weddings
- lunches
- breakfasts on the beach
- brunches
- gym sessions
- trips to ikea
- eastern suburbs shopping

Although 2010 was amazing, it's been a year of great growth and achievements for me, it definitely had its downsides, especially in the early/mid part. Anyway, next year I would like a bit more consistency in my life. Perhaps knowing what my decision is finally: work or university. I know I can do both, and that it will be a hectic year, but soon I'll have to choose which one is my priority - finally.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

I Like

adventures, airports, alice in wonderland, babies, beaches, bellatrix lestrange, biographies, books, bows, butterflies, candles, camera's, chocolate, compliments, concerts, costumes, cupcakes, curls, custard scrolls, dancing, denim, diaries, disney, dolls, doll houses, dresses, emma watson, fabric swatches, feathers, florence and the machine, harry potter, honey, hot chocolates, hugh grant movies, hugs, hundreds and thousands, ice cream, inception, jane austen, j.k.rowling, kisses, knitting, lace, lashes, languages, late nights, laughter, london, louboutins, milkshakes, moscow, nail polish, nicholas hault, nutella, ocean, old friends, organising, owls, paper, paris, perfect breeze, pens, peter pan, pink, playing social butterfly, princes, princesses, polaroids, reading, ribbon, royalty, russell brand, secrets, sequins, sirius black, sleeping, skins, stars, st petersburg, sushi, tea cups, tea parties, unexpected texts, vanilla, weddings, weekends, wendy darling, writing.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

So, I've got a whole new bunch of goals lately. I've started to re-assess again, things are changing.

  1. My book. Still. Alice is my number one priority, although sometimes I don't treat her like that. But over the holidays I'm going to put some serious effort into getting lots of quotes and references in my moleskin. That way I'll still be on track to have a first draft done by August 2012.
  2. Saving up $10 - 12,000 to get to London. I've finally got two jobs that will help me get there. I'm also looking to maybe do some babysitting on Friday and Saturday nights because I'm never really doing anything except watching TV then anyway, but I'll have to get my P's first probably - unless their on the train line.
  3. My degree. I really want to finish my arts degree. I want to do my Masters and the Doctrate. I will be a doctor of history, and I will be a historian.
  4. Finish the Matador course. You've been given the opportunity to complete it, make sure you use every opportunity.
  5. Start an NGO/somewhere for traveller's to volunteer for free/small price (Indonesia, Africa, Thailand, Cambodia).
  6. Start a hostel/somewhere for traveller's to work and stay (Provincial France, Spain, Italy, Russia, Portugal, London, Greece).
  7. Travel around on a boat (cruise the Mediteranean, sail around Mexico).
  8. Buy a house. Rent it out.
  9. Host/write a documentary. Maybe this will lead onto to being able to interview interesting people? Like Parkinson.
  10. A movie for Alice. You can write it.
  11. Start a royalty magazine/write an article for "Royalty" or "Majesty" or any other magazine/newspaper about royalty. Perhaps you could be the royal correspondent for a newspaper?

At the moment, I'm really into living a really random life. Breaking out of the normal. I would hate to get to the last days/months/year of my life and say that anyone could have lived that life. Anyone could have done the things you did. I want to be able to say that original, that I did things to break out of the typical Western Society, the typical north shore living that your parents and friends are so comfortable living in. I don't want to end up living the same life as my parents - they don't do anything wild or weird (although, I must admit, they are very happy with the life they lead). I want to be different. I want to break the barriers.

Friday, April 30, 2010

The best revenge in massive success.

- Frank Sinatra

Friday, April 16, 2010

Austen Quiz

You Scored as Emma Woodhouse

Emma is possibly one of the most loyal characters of Austen, always wanting better for those around her and doing all she possibly can to make it happen. Her motives sometimes get in the way of her good intentions and her own opinions can end up ruling her actions, but she has a good heart. She loves to be social and is welcoming to most, unless they are too silly to tolerate. While she sometimes changes her behavior to make others feel comfortable, she knows who she is and is always bettering herself.

Emma Woodhouse
Elizabeth Bennet
Marianne Dashwood
Elinor Dashwood
Jane Bennet
Charlotte Lucas
Lady Catherine

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Okla Elliott Interview Christopher Higgs

OE: What should young writers today study or do in order to improve their craft?

CH: Become intellectually polyamorous, cultivate an insatiable curiosity for knowledge and experience in as many different guises as you possibly can, question everything, always challenge, learn that failure and rejection are positive things, subscribe to at least three non-literary magazines in three completely different fields (for me, right now, it’s National Geographic, Juxtapose, and Wine Enthusiast – last year it was Seed, Esquire, and Art in America), forget politics: it has nothing to do with you and any time or energy you invest in it is wasted time and energy you could be using productively to learn and experience and create, do not choose sides, do not agree or disagree, embrace contradiction, watch cinema from as many different countries and time periods as you possibly can, seek out unclassifiable music, spend time in unfamiliar locations, expose yourself to new activities, go to the opera, go to the ballet, go to the planetarium, travel a lot, observe as much as you can, pay attention to the way people talk and the way people listen, eat strange food, watch at least one sporting event but instead of thinking about it as entertainment think about it as narrative, ABR = Always Be Researching, carry a notebook and pen at all times, remember it is more important to ask questions than give or receive answers, seek to open up and never close down, seek to seek, do not seek to find, fall in love with language, think obsessively about language, about words, about sentences, about paragraphs, about the sound of words, the weight of words, the shape of words, the look of words, the feel of words, the placement of words, and most importantly be your biggest advocate, think of yourself as a genius, think of yourself as an artist, think of yourself as a creator, do not despair, do not listen to criticism, do not believe naysayers, they are wrong, you are right, they are death and you are life, they destroy and you create, the world needs what you have to say.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Musings over Emily

There is a quaint little French pastry shop nearby to where she lives. She's always been tempted to go there, but has never been daring enough to go in. She'll walk past it without even looking in its windows. She's built it up so high in her expectations that she'll only be disappointed. Her imagination has concocted a glorious shop filled with macaroons, fluffy cream, pink icing, strawberries and light, sugary pastry - as though it was owned by Sophia Coppola herself.
Emily quite like the strip of shops that the pastry shop belonged to. There was the typical, in-every-suburb newsagent where she could waste away her money on photography magazines, French Vogue and spend countless minutes flipping through bridal magazines whilst never had enough courage to buy it. She loved purchasing magazines, and while she flicked through the glossy pages she could imagine herself standing in that Philip Lim 3.0 dress and entering the front door to the upcoming party. Or wearing those knee-high boots that Kate Moss had a pair of to the cinema. But that was always a fleeting feeling. Soon she crashed back to earth, and her dreams were just that - dreams. Then there was the tea & coffee shop. She liked to buy presents for her grandmother there. Mugs, tea leaves, teapots, napkins with pretty designs. Next door to the tea shop was the book store. It was Shelly's bookstore, but she had never seen a Shelly at the counter before. It was always that man. That man, who she had named Mark. He looked like a Mark. He also looked lonely, and she would create a little life for him where he would spend the day reading the books on the shelves that surrounded him, and go home to a small apartment in a nearby suburb right on the train line. Emily could see him in his spare time sipping coffee from a mug he had bought from next door and struggling over a manuscript for a play he was writing on his grandfather's typewriter. She liked the bookstore, it was small. But then again, it was almost too small for Emily. She didn't mind the large chain store bookshops like Borders and Dymocks because she was never bothered there. Never asked "Hi, how are you today? Need any help? No? Well, if you do, just let me know," and then having the feeling of being watched the whole time. No, she much preferred larger stores where she could just sit on the floor and if you wanted to, you could spend the whole day there and read the book you wanted without having to pay and without so much of a second glance from anyone.
Emily strolled down the street to which these shops belonged, as she listened to her ipod which was currently blasting Lacrosse 'Tigerlilly'. She loved that name, and thought that perhaps she would name her daughter that one day. If only it wasn't so out of the norm. But, then again, that's probably one of the reasons why it attracted her so much. That, and the fact that the name is Peter Pan. But Emily's love for Peter Pan is a story for another time. Right now the story being told is her walking past the pastry shop, the bookshop where Mark worked, the tea shop and the newsagent, and down to the very end in which a library had been placed.
The library was big, bigger than the one she worked at during the week. She'd returned her books, and paid her overdue fines. $24 down the drain on keeping her Queen Victoria biographies too long.
She was browsing through the isles of shelves, looking for something she hadn't seen before. A new book on Wordsworth. A new French decorating book with glossy pages of 18th century French antiques. A guidebook to Venice she'd never noticed. Her canvas bag would have gladly taken the books she'd chosen but, as always, she liked to carry them in her own hands; her fingers protectively clinging onto the binding. Even though the books didn't belong to her, Emily felt as though she had a responsibility towards them while they were staying with her. Those pages she'd borrowed needed her love, care and attention. There was something possessive about her feelings towards books.
When she turned the corner she stopped dead in her tracks and rushed to turn around and hide behind a shelf. It wasn't that she was afraid, just that she was surprised. He wasn't meant to be here. What was he doing here? She pretend to be interested in the particular books that the shelf she was hiding behind was shelving. How to care for your kittens. Every few seconds she sneak a look to see if he was still there.
What books was he looking at? She tried to remember what was on the third shelf from the back in the middle. The mid 600's. Music. She smiled to herself; of course, that was the only thing Riley would ever read about if he ever picked up a book. Although, she had seen him read one before - Blue Like Jazz. It was a Christian book his leader had given him and he had become, well, possessive about it during the time Emily observed him reading it. He would carry it with him everywhere. That was when they were much closer, and when she could talk to him with a slight ease because she knew he wanted to talk to her; he had told her. But it had all changed, she'd gone away for a few weeks, to New Zealand to visit her family and she'd come back and it had all been different. Sure they just chatted since, but it was different and she hadn't figured out why yet. Somehow it seemed more laborious. It wasn't fun anymore. He used to make her laugh all the time, and once he told her that he liked her laugh. She thought that maybe he'd Grown Up, become more mature. And if that was what had truly happened, then deep down Emily could never like him again, even though she didn't know it. Yes, even Emily didn't realise herself just how much Growing Up scared her. She knew how much she loved Peter Pan, and his story, and how much she longed to be Wendy, but her conscious self had not realised the true extent of it. Riley wouldn't be coming back, Peter had taught her that.
Quite soon she realised she was being creepy, and to either go up and say 'hi' or to go and borrow her books. She chose the latter.
Walking out into the sunshine and hot wind felt strangely refreshing to Emily with her new books. Perhaps it was the books, or perhaps it was because when she decided to walk away from Riley, she decided she would no longer attach herself romantically to him. She couldn't stand another four months like how she'd spent the last. In those four months she couldn't recall a day where she hadn't thought about him, and that scared her. What a waste of her thoughts. She could have used that space to think about something much more meaningful; the state of Africa, for example.
Peter was waiting for her when she got home. Peter Pan that is. She read the book a few times each year, each time discovering the child within her. Her copy was bent, creased and covered with scrawls of underlines and yellow highlighter. Emily felt that she could deal with having just three men in her life: her father, her brother and Peter, and she would be contented. Maybe life would even be easier. She certainly would have more time to think about more important issues other than how to impress boys like Riley. But she could only live in her little three-man world as long as she had her male authors still writing books she could read. Or making the films she loved to watch. Emily couldn't think of a life without the influence of Chuck Palahniuk, Ian McEwan or Johnny Depp.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

In my lifetime

The idea of this list is suggestions for things to do in my lifetime, not a bucket list where everything I write has to be completed, but a nice 80% should be anyway.

Domestic Bliss.
Have at least three children.
Adopt a child.
Get married.
Buy a house.
Live in London.
Be a foster mum.
Dress-ups, plays, peter pan, harry potter, little princess etc.
Your own Julia Child Project.
Knitting for your grand/children.
Tuscan house.
Paris Apartment.
Studio flat in New York.
Mauve Room.
Guest bedroom.
Home library.
Arts + Culture.
Travel through every single country in Europe.
Travel in South America.
Have your portrait painted.
Trans-Siberian Railway.
Write to your favourite author.
High Tea in the Plaza.
Shopping in Harrods + Topshop.
Watch all Johnny Depp films.
Watch all Edward Norton films.
Watch all Keira Knightley films.
Peter Boxall's 1,001 Books to Read Before You Die.
Finish a university degree.
Publish a book.
Be fluent in a language.
Arts degree - history and english.
See Muse live (again).
Russell Brand stand-up.
Australian Open.
Ballet lessons.
(Pride and Prejudice 2005 soundtrack)
Seen stand-up at Hammersmith Apollo "Live at the Apollo"
Tiffany & co. engagement ring.
Pair of Christian Loubiton's.
Grand Piano.
Learn to surf. (Completed)
Helicopter Ride. (Completed)
Bungee Jump. (Completed)
Travel for a year.
Climb a mountain. (Completed - Mt Iron).
Fly first class.
Pyramids, Karnak.
Leaning Tower of Pisa.
Taj Mahal.
Great Wall of China.
Eiffel Tower.
El Prado in Madrid, Spain.
The Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy.
The Hermitage in St. Petersburg, Russia.
The Louvre in Paris, France.
Musée de l'Orangerie in Paris, France.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, USA.
The British Museum in London, England.
The Tate Gallery in London, England.
The Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, Holland.
Festival in Venice.
Carnival in Rio de Janeiro.
Times Square in New York.
Oktober Fest in Germany.
Swim with dolphins.
Swim with whales.
Whale watching.
Adopt from Animal Shelter.
Hamish the dalmation.
Nanna the German Shepherd.
Skills Every Woman Should Master.
Dance one style reasonably well: Tango, Merengue, Salsa, Waltz, Belly dance, Ballet, the Polka, Flamenco, Krumping, Lambada, Tap dance, the Foxtrot.
Self-defense class.
Power tools.
Car mechanics.
Read the Bible.
Sunday-school teacher.
Get your fortune told.
Donate blood.
Asia. (Completed 28.12.06)
North America.
South America.

"Don't let your dreams stay dreams."
Think to yourself: "Am I living my dream?"

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Fly on the Wall

Emily wandered home feeling how she usually felt after social outings - like she was a fly on the wall. No one ever seemed to notice her, to pay her any kind attention but she was still there, listening to their conversations. Their stupid, ignorant, self-absorbed conversations. Marla Singer was right, people do just listen so that they know when it's their turn to speak . . . about themselves.
Not that she though she had anything of upmost importance or interest to articulate. Usually when she did think of something to say her brain told her to keep quiet and butt out, and an invisible zip would seal her lips.
Especially when Riley was around. After any encounters with Riley she felt like an utter moron. It wasn't that he was so smart than whenever he spoke intelligence oozed out of him, it wasn't like that at all. The trouble was that she wasn't sure what it was. Nothing she said - when she did unzip her lips - seemed to make her feel comfortable in his presence. It was just a constant feeling of uncomfortable moron-ness.