Tuesday, May 11, 2010

So, I've got a whole new bunch of goals lately. I've started to re-assess again, things are changing.

  1. My book. Still. Alice is my number one priority, although sometimes I don't treat her like that. But over the holidays I'm going to put some serious effort into getting lots of quotes and references in my moleskin. That way I'll still be on track to have a first draft done by August 2012.
  2. Saving up $10 - 12,000 to get to London. I've finally got two jobs that will help me get there. I'm also looking to maybe do some babysitting on Friday and Saturday nights because I'm never really doing anything except watching TV then anyway, but I'll have to get my P's first probably - unless their on the train line.
  3. My degree. I really want to finish my arts degree. I want to do my Masters and the Doctrate. I will be a doctor of history, and I will be a historian.
  4. Finish the Matador course. You've been given the opportunity to complete it, make sure you use every opportunity.
  5. Start an NGO/somewhere for traveller's to volunteer for free/small price (Indonesia, Africa, Thailand, Cambodia).
  6. Start a hostel/somewhere for traveller's to work and stay (Provincial France, Spain, Italy, Russia, Portugal, London, Greece).
  7. Travel around on a boat (cruise the Mediteranean, sail around Mexico).
  8. Buy a house. Rent it out.
  9. Host/write a documentary. Maybe this will lead onto to being able to interview interesting people? Like Parkinson.
  10. A movie for Alice. You can write it.
  11. Start a royalty magazine/write an article for "Royalty" or "Majesty" or any other magazine/newspaper about royalty. Perhaps you could be the royal correspondent for a newspaper?

At the moment, I'm really into living a really random life. Breaking out of the normal. I would hate to get to the last days/months/year of my life and say that anyone could have lived that life. Anyone could have done the things you did. I want to be able to say that original, that I did things to break out of the typical Western Society, the typical north shore living that your parents and friends are so comfortable living in. I don't want to end up living the same life as my parents - they don't do anything wild or weird (although, I must admit, they are very happy with the life they lead). I want to be different. I want to break the barriers.

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