Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Holiday Ramblings

The Year 12 Area at Summer Camp: TELFORD

I just got back from Summer Camp a few days ago, which was amazing. It was really what I needed to reconnect with my faith and what I was doing with my life. It was also amazing for forging new friendships and going through new experiences.

So my essay and creative writing is due today and I have only finished the creative writing. I'm about to start the essay but really can't get motivated to do it, I'm still in a socialising mood from being at Summer Camp and am currently on Facebook almost all of my waking hours (when I'm not working at the library).

I really wanted to go see Slumdog Millionaire tomorrow with Tash at the Mall, but it's not showing there, so I think we'll see Yes Man. I bought her a very late birthday present today, a Pandora Charm. It's so cute, and came in an adorable bag because of upcoming Valentines Day. I'm going to look for a photo album tomorrow to put all my 09/ Year 12 photos in, including Summer Camp. I want one where there are lots of pages, but I can also write the date, a little comment and who is in the photo. I'm thinking around 150 - 200 pages.

Things to Do Before the Holidays End

- Creative Writing and Essay to be emailed to Mrs Collins

- Buy a Photo Album and organise Summer Camp photos

- Take Camera to Rory's House

- Put photos on Facebook

- Paint room grey

- Get some more candles and vases

- Go to Ikea and Flower Markets

- Do some massive research for History Extension

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Random Mutterings

What a brilliant two games of Twenty20 Cricket we had! Nice to see Mr (Mike Hussey) Cricket back in form, and a new face (David Warner) doing so well on debut. It was also great to see so many people at both games, with both stadiums nearly sold out.

So I have two weeks and a bit left of holidays and got Summer Camp on Friday which goes for five days. I really haven't been doing much work, and I'm disappointed at myself. I was talking to one of my friends at a birthday gathering I went to the other day, and she was talking about all her major works and how she had been working on them all holidays, and I realised that I had a major work I should have been working on. I've completely forgotten that I wanted to (and should have) finished all my research on Rasputin by the end of the holidays. So I have a little less than two weeks (when I get rid of the time I'm going to be away on Summer Camp) to finish all my research on Rasputin. I'll also have to write in my log book, which I totally forgot about.

At the moment I'm focused on decorating my room. I've been to Bunnings Warehouse and got nearly every paint sample available. I'm thinking of painting my room grey. From Dulux, I'm liking "Limed White", but I'm unsure whether I want to go darker.
I keep looking out for a mirror, and I want a new bed side table, so I've been looking at all these decorating blogs for ideas. I've also been buying candles, and little things that I want to decorate my room with when it's done.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Final Day Ends in Breathless Fashion

Cast your mind back to Sydney this time last year. Michael Clarke held the hopes of a country in the second last over needing three more wickets against India after a thrilling test match summer. Wicket. Wicket. Dot ball. Wicket.
Although Australia didn't need 3 wickets this time, they needed the win. The past two test matches had been lost and Australia feared they would lose their number one ranking in Test Cricket. After Andrew (Ronald) McDonald dropped his own wicket, the next ball was an lbw. Stein was out, the game was over. At least, that's what Australia thought. But out of the members stand comes the captain of the South African side, Graeme Smith. Only an hour ago he had been seen sitting in a tracksuit with a cast on his arm. Now he was walking out with a standing ovation dressed in Test whites with no cast to be seen.
16 minutes left of play or 5 overs. Ricky Ponting's heart rate was racing, he needed this last wicket.
Bring in Doug (the Rug) Bollinger on his Test Debut. Ntini's on strike, he's not looking for run's, he's looking for balls to go past, edging closer to the draw. Ntini hits the ball, and he's caught! And then dropped by Hayden, who could just be playing his last Test Match. Ponting's heart rate continues to climb until he puts Mitchell Johnson on to bowl a spell from the Paddington end. The man of the Summer has good reason to be chosen to bowl to Smith whose on strike, as Tony Greig correctly pointed out. One he has been the man of the Summer, managing eight wickets in an innings just two weeks earlier, and two, he's the reason Smith's arm was in a cast in the first place.
Everyone's counting on him, just like they were counting on Michael Clarke a year earlier in the same over. BOWLED!