Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Trials Holidays!

  • Watch all the things you taped in the last four weeks of term
  • Underbelly
  • Nan's for a week (go up on Tuesday after work and come back in time to do work on Saturday afternoon)
  • Getaway (4 pm 17th to 4pm 19th of July)
  • Eels/Bulldogs in the last week on holidays (Saturday 25th July)
  • English - Hamlet quote quest 
  • State of Origin and Harry Potter (15th of July)
  • Wallabies Fan Day and Bruno (9th of July)
  • Try walk down the Cascades once every two days
  • Go to spotlight (ribbon, material - maybe get some samples if you can)
  • Go to second hand book shop (one in Hornsby and one in Gordon)
  • Go formal dress shopping
  • Organise ice skating
  • Do some artwork
  • Bake more cupcakes- some for the study days? 
  • Read: P.S. I Love You, Something Borrowed (the first one to Something Blue), finish Northanger Abbey, more of Mysteries of Udolpho, My Sister's Keeper, Love & Relationships (the book that Kat leant you, perhaps bring it to Getaway). 
School Work Stuff
  • Have essay plans done for all subjects
  • Catch up on Germany Modern work- make some posters, timelines, little bio's for important people (perhaps on palm cards)
  • Complete some of these essay plans (ones you might struggle with)
  • Learn Balance of Payments!
  • Focus on subjects in order of importance: Economics, Modern, English, Ancient, English Extension, History Extension and Religion. 
  • Have English Wag the Dog work completed (and watch it on youtube)
  • Have the practice Paper 1 and Paper 2 done for English, try do them in the time period given, 40 minutes (Mrs Collins can mark them when you get back to school)
  • Watch Northanger Abbey on youtube
  • Edassist - Economics (16th of July)
  • Write out some of the questions from those small Economics books
  • Finish Religion assignment
  • Do activities from all the religion booklets you were given. Read + highlight information and answer any questions, do a glossary.
  • Do glossaries for Economics
  • Do CSSA past papers