Monday, March 16, 2009

18th Birthday

So there is just less than 6 months until I turn 18, which is so exciting!

This is a list of what I want so far:

Also with any money I get I want to buy the Series 1, 2 and 3 of Skins.

I have no idea what I'm going to do on my 18th though. I think I might go out to dinner, but I want both Ellie and Claudia there, which should be a bit troublesome. Otherwise, I'm just not inviting either of them.
I'm going to get really nice invitations too.

In other news I have decided that I want my P Plates before I finish Year 12 (but just after the HSC is fine too - but I want them for the holidays before Uni starts). So I'm planning to do two hours a week during the school term and four hours a week in the holidays (is that too much?). Obviously there will be some weeks where I am just flat out with exams or assessments, but I should try to squeeze it in most weeks - get into the mindset of thinking for the future.
So you have done around 30 hours already. That's 90 to go. You can't do any this week because the car is getting fixed. Book a few more lessons.